Popcorn Ceiling Removal: DIY Methods And Total Cost

Some people practice non pay attention to their ceiling. Homeowners should know about popcorn ceiling removal: DIY methods and total toll. Original popcorn ceiling contains asbestos and synthetic polymers. This was considered a modern await.

Today, popcorn ceilings are made with Styrofoam or similar textile. They are i of the least pop types of ceilings. However, most people that have them, want them removed asap.

What Are Popcorn Ceilings?

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Popcorn ceilings have been around since the 30s. From the 50s to the 70s, they were popular. Since the outset popcorn ceilings were used with asbestos, they were banned in '77 and new popcorn ceilings didn't have asbestos.

Afterward that, they became less and less popular. People believed they were perfect for hiding flaws and offered insulation for upper stories. This may have been true, merely they found out the cons outweighed the pros.

Why Remove Popcorn Ceilings?

You may be wondering why people remove popcorn ceilings. Since the asbestos ban, people began removing them from their homes. Popcorn ceilings are few and far between. But why? Popcorn ceilings aren't ugly or unappealing.

Here are the three master reasons people remove them.


Popcorn ceilings are dated. They are out of fashion and will remind anyone of the 1970s. They don't look modern and don't work with other design styles.

If y'all want an older ceiling, plaster is a skillful pick. Plaster walls and ceilings concluding longer if taken care of and are like drywall. Observe out more almost plaster walls and ceilings compared to drywall here.

Pesky Texture

Another reason to remove popcorn ceilings is because of the texture. Unlike smooth walls, popcorn ceilings are a hotbed for spiders, cobwebs, and grit. Not to mention, the top layer tin skin or flake off and release harmful particles.


This is the main reason to get rid of popcorn ceilings. If the ceilings were installed earlier 1980, in that location'southward a take chances that they incorporate asbestos. If this is the case, always take a professional examination them earlier going the DIY route.

Never DIY asbestos walls or ceilings. Accept a professional person remove the popcorn ceiling if you lot fear at that place is asbestos in your abode. They can rid your dwelling of asbestos without causing yous any harm in the time to come.

How practice yous know if your home is afflicted by asbestos? You lot can tell by the appearance of pre-1970s construction. But in some cases, health conditions announced with niggling to no sign of cause.

Signs Of Asbestos Exposure

Here is the list of symptoms of asbestos exposure. If yous experience whatsoever of these symptoms, telephone call your doctor. Though they may or may not exist caused by asbestos, they should not be left untreated. The respiratory symptoms are more mutual and more serious.

  • Shortness of jiff.
  • Dry out cough or wheezing.
  • Crackling audio when breathing.
  • Chest pain or tightness.
  • Pleural plaques.
  • Respiratory complications.
  • Pleural effusion (accumulation of fluid in the space. surrounding a lung).
  • Pleural thickening.
  • Asbestosis.
  • Intestinal swelling and distention.
  • Abdominal or pelvic pain.
  • Bowel obstruction.
  • Hernia.
  • Weight loss.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Clubbed fingers.

If you lot don't have symptoms but an older popcorn ceiling, remove it. Popcorn ceilings installed before 1977 contain asbestos. Y'all'll need a pro asap.

How To Remove A Popcorn Ceiling

How To Remove A Popcorn Ceiling View in gallery

There are a few ways to remove popcorn ceilings. These are the iii about constructive ways without having to rent a professional person contractor which will more than double the toll.

Method ane: Most Efficient Method

This method takes time but leaves you with a smooth look. You won't need to buy much for it and if you do, it won't cost more than $50. It's a corking, efficient, and the most common style to remove popcorn ceilings.

What Yous'll Need

  • Sprayer, a garden, or pigment sprayer.
  • Putty pocketknife (and flooring scraper if needed).
  • Dropcloth.
  • Grab tray or pan.
  • Ladder.
  • Sander or sandpaper.

Prepare The Surface area

Lay your driblet fabric out that you won't make a mess all over your floor. This is important if you have carpet considering y'all won't get rid of the particles and mud from your carpeting if you lot don't utilise a drop cloth.

If your floors aren't finished or y'all'll replace them, leave the drop fabric out. Disposable dropcloths are cheap and make for easy cleanup.

Spray The Ceiling

Popcorn ceilings are easier to remove when wet. Don't let the water soak through the drywall beneath it. Use the sprayer on one area at a fourth dimension so it doesn't soak long.

If the ceiling soaks for besides long, it will become underneath which could cause cracks and mold. You tin can spray again if information technology's not wet enough, only don't permit information technology sit.

Start Scraping

At that place are ii ways you lot tin can do this. For smaller areas, utilize the tray and putty knife to scrape off the wet ceiling. You can also use the putty knife for touch-up piece of work and remove most of the ceiling with a floor scraper.

Using a floor scraper is easier since y'all can get the work done faster, merely not everyone can exercise this. Putty knives are cheaper if y'all have a modest area, and they will work fine.

Method two: Easiest And Cheapest Method

This method is easier, but information technology leaves a rough texture that looks similar stomped drywall. It won't leave a smooth ceiling, but it tin be done quick and cheap. If you lot want texture, then you lot'll love how it looks.

  • Popcorn ceiling removal tool.
  • Dropcloth.
  • Ladder.
  • Drywall Paw Sander with screens.
  • Mask.
  • Fan.

Prepare The Surface area

You won't be wet the ceiling. Instead, yous'll be doing it try. Wear a mask, utilise a drop cloth, and point a fan so it blows out a window. Stay away from the room if you have asthma.

Using a mask is a good idea for remodeling work. Withal, it's necessary when there will be grit or harmful particles in the air. If you do a lot of renovating, keep a box handy.

Scrape The Ceiling

This will be difficult, but you can scrape dry popcorn ceiling. You lot won't go all off it but removing the elevation layer can brand a difference. You can endeavour more, and if so utilise the starting time method.

Sand The Ceiling

After you remove the top layer, sand it with thick sandpaper or a sander. This will smooth the area. The effect will look like stomped drywall.

Method three: Mess-Free Method

Popcorn removal process View in gallery

This method is more complicated to prepare but like shooting fish in a barrel in one case you get information technology right. If you don't have a ShopVac, this may not exist ideal as you'll need to invest in one.

  • Duct Tape.
  • Drywall Taping Knife.
  • ShopVac.
  • Broad ShopVac Wet/Dry Nozzle.
  • Extension Tube.
  • Extra ShopVac Filter.
  • Ladder or Stilts.

Wet The Ceiling

Wetting the ceiling is recommended. It will ensure the ceiling scrapes right off. Since you're using a ShopVac, the moisture won't affect the machine.

Create The Tool

Secure the extension and nozzle onto the ShopVac. Then, duct tape a knife under the nozzle that when held upside down, whatever debris will fall into the nozzle. The knife should hover above the vacuum opening.

Kickoff Vacuuming

For this method, stilts will aid you can move equally you vacuum, and it will feel like vacuuming a flooring. A ladder will piece of work, but it will take longer.

Price Of Popcorn Ceiling Removal

What Are Popcorn Ceilings View in gallery

The initial price of popcorn ceiling removal depends if you do it yourself. Information technology also depends on the size of the room. Our examples will cost for a twenty×20 ceiling.

The price is $1 to $2 per square foot. But this doesn't include refinishing and painting. when you add everything upward the cost tin alter.

If all you're paying for is materials, wait to pay less than you'd pay for a pro to remove popcorn ceiling. The average price is $500.

This will include paint to repaint when yous're finished. Only that'south small compared to hiring a pro. With them, you will pay for materials and labor. The workers accuse $40 per hour, and you're paying for whoever they bring with them.

Expect to pay no less than $one,000. If you don't have asbestos, doing it yourself is the better pick. Merely to each their own, there's zippo wrong with hiring a pro if you can beget information technology.

Popcorn Ceiling Removal Frequently Asked Questions

Can y'all remove popcorn ceiling that has been painted with oil based pigment?

Earlier you exercise anything, take your ceiling tested for asbestos. You could rip the ceiling off, do not scrape it. Supplant it with drywall and so information technology matches your connecting ceilings.

Cover the room in plastic and utilize paint stripper. You can scrape the popcorn off. For hard areas, utilise a rut gun. Open a window and have a box fan flowing outward.

And don't forget to clothing eye protection.

Volition Removing Popcorn Ceiling Add together Value To My Home?

It depends on the size of the business firm. For smaller homes, yous'll demand to decide if information technology would be worth it. If you're trying to sell a large home, it is harder if y'all haven't removed the popcorn.

What kind of shop vac attachment do I need to remove popcorn ceiling?

With duct tape, attach a six-inch spackling pocketknife to the cease of a shop-vac nozzle. After it's secured, outset removing the popcorn. To reduce dust, attach an frazzle hose then it blows droppings exterior a window.

How exercise you lot remove mold from popcorn ceiling?

If you lot notice yellow stains on your ceiling, so you have a leak. Water leads to mold. To remove it, y'all'll need bleach or hydrogen peroxide to impale the mold.

Combine water and bleach in a spray bottle. Keep your optics and mouth covered when spraying the mold. Hydrogen peroxide is meliorate because it evaporates subsequently you remove the mold on your starting time pass.

Popcorn Ceiling Removal Conclusion

With popcorn ceilings, you need to watch for mold. There are many DIY methods you tin use to remove mold. Regardless of which method you choose, make sure you cover your eyes and mouth

You desire to play it safe and exercise it right, so your all-time bet is to call a professional. If you ruin your ceiling, information technology wouldn't exist worth information technology.


Source: https://www.homedit.com/popcorn-ceiling-removal/

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