How Long Can You Keep Frozen Ground Beef

Information technology'south longer than you recollect—just that doesn't mean you should be eating information technology.

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Say you're making meatloaf for an impromptu become-together and you demand ground beef. You lot don't have time to run to the grocery store, but you recollect that there are several pounds stashed in your freezer.

You pull out the basis beef, and realize that y'all forgot to label and date information technology. You lot have no idea how old it is. What do you do? Assume the ground beef is probably fine, or throw it out only to be prophylactic?

Foodborne illness is no joke. And with the most recent basis beefiness remember—which involved 2.1 meg pounds due to salmonella concerns—fresh on our minds, following rubber treatment practices is more important than ever right now.

Ideally, you should e'er label and appointment any food that you programme to freeze. But if yous run across something that doesn't have a date, you may be surprised to know that this doesn't necessarily mean it's dangerous to eat.

More Food Recall News:

  • Recalled Ground Beef Linked to E. coli Outbreak Sold at Target, Aldi, Sam's Club
  • Romaine E. coli Update: FDA Pinpoints Source, Says Outbreak Isn't Over Withal
  • 91,000 Pounds of Ground Turkey Recalled Due to Potential Salmonella Contamination

What'south far more important is the temperature of your freezer. In order to effectively impale any bacteria, yeast, or mold, your freezer must be set to 0°F or colder. With that said, as long every bit food is continuously stored at 0°F or colder, information technology volition e'er be safe to eat.

In fact, the primary issue for properly frozen food is freshness and quality. According to the FDA'south freezer storage guidelines, the optimal storage time for frozen ground beefiness is 3 to four months. The same goes for any type of ground meat, including hamburger meat and ground turkey, pork, veal, or chicken.

And then, to respond the original question—yes, you technically can melt and consume the ground beef that'southward been sitting in your freezer, merely that doesn't mean that you should. Instead, learn the signs that your ground beef may exist past its prime so you'll be able to tell if the flavor and texture have been compromised. According to the USDA'south Freezing and Food Condom guide, three potential signs to look for are freezer fire, color changes, and ice crystals.

With that said, don't risk serving your dinner guests subpar meatloaf. If you lot're worried, toss it out and order pizza instead. Merely the adjacent time you purchase fresh ground beef, keep in heed that you tin can safely store it in the fridge for ane to 2 days. If you aren't certain you'll use it within that time frame, it's all-time to get ahead and freeze information technology.

Basis Beef Freezing Tips

  • E'er characterization basis beef with the appointment and weight before freezing. Freeze big quantities of ground beef in half-pound or one-pound portions so you tin can defrost the exact amount yous demand.
  • Check the temperature of your freezer periodically to ensure that it's set to 0°F or colder. (If you don't own a freezer thermometer, you can order one from Amazon.)
  • To prevent freezer burn down, wrap the ground beef in wax newspaper or freezer paper.
  • The safest way to thaw frozen ground beef is in the refrigerator. Never go out it on the countertop to thaw as this exposes it to the danger zone (xl°F to 140°F), the temperature range where bacteria can grow. Cook or refreeze the beef within 1 to 2 days.
  • If you lose power, avert opening the freezer door. Depending on how full your freezer is, frozen food lasts for 1 to 2 days (every bit long as the door stays airtight.)

Lastly, stay upwards to date on nutrient recalls by subscribing to the Food Safety and Inspection Service's email alerts. For large recalls like the contempo basis beef one, get into the habit of double-checking your freezer for the affected food, equally this is an easy place to overlook.

For more than information on safe handling practices for raw and frozen basis beef, check out the USDA's Ground Beef and Nutrient Rubber page.


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