Spruce essential oils offer the woody, crisp aroma of evergreen trees, making these oils wonderful for diffusing and many topical applications. Whether you prefer blue spruce or black spruce, the chemical constituents in these evergreen tree oils give them a variety of therapeutic benefits. Read on to learn the differences between blue and black spruce and 10 ways to use spruce essential oil.

Blue Spruce

Blue spruce comes from the Picea pungens tree, also known as the Colorado Spruce. This popular landscaping tree can reach up to 60 feet in height and ranges from green to blue to silver in color. The aroma of blue spruce essential oil is sharp and woody, often appealing to men.

Black Spruce

Black spruce comes from the Picea mariana tree. It is a tall, narrow evergreen tree that grows primarily in Canada, Alaska, and some northern U.S. states. The needles are typically green with a hint of blue. Black spruce essential oil has a milder, slightly sweeter aroma than blue spruce, but it is still very balsamic.

Northern Lights black spruce comes from British Columbia, Canada. It is said to carry the electrical frequency imparted by the aurora borealis that occur regularly over the farm.

Ways to Use Spruce Essential Oil


Historically, spruce essential oil was used by Native Americans for cleansing and purifying rituals. As with most deep-rooting trees, spruce oil is very grounding and balancing to the root chakra. Place two drops of oil in the palm of your hand, rub hands together, and cup them over your nose and mouth. Take several deep breaths and enjoy the aroma. Do this as often as necessary to promote grounding and centeredness, as well as a sense of security.

Wake Up Your Commute

The fresh scent of spruce is invigorating and energizing to the mind and body. Try using it in car diffuser or wearing topically to promote alertness during a long drive or an early morning commute.

Release Emotional Blockages

Spruce oil is a favorite to use during meditation. It helps develop intuition and connectedness and is instrumental in releasing stagnant emotions. It also aids in finding inspiration, deepening spirituality, and strengthening trust.

Set the Mood

Men typically love the earthy, heady aroma of spruce. Try out this In the Mood Essential Oil Roll-On with black or blue spruce.

Improve Sleep

Alpha pinene has been shown to increase non-rapid eye movement sleep. A couple drops of spruce on the bottom of the feet at bedtime can result in falling asleep faster and a more restful night's sleep. Or try this Peaceful Rest diffuser blend:

  • 5 drops spruce essential oil (either black or blue)
  • 4 drops cedarwood
  • 3 drops frankincense

Boost the Immune System

Spruce essential oils contain abundant monoterpenes, which are powerful antioxidants. Use this oil regularly in the diffuser or topically to support your immune system.

Calm Yo'Self

Although spruce is invigorating, it has properties to combat feelings of stress as well. In one study, limonene administered to mice greatly decreased their anxiety response to a maze test. Use this blend to help temper your response to stressful situations: 5 drops Northern lights black spruce, 5 drops Stress Away, 2 drops orange.

Open the Heart Chakra

Spruce not only supports the root chakra, but the fresh pine-forest aroma opens the heart chakra as well. The heart chakra also governs the lungs, so opening this chakra can improve respiration.

Beard Serum

Spruce essential oil is conditioning for hair and can soften and smooth coarse hair. Men love using spruce in this DIY Smoothing Beard Serum recipe.

Body Boost

The energizing benefits of spruce will do a body good. This blend is also great for an invigorating after workout massage.

  • 1 oz. jojoba oil
  • 8 drops Northern lights black spruce essential oil
  • 3 drops balsam fir essential oil
  • 3 drops laurus nobilis

Combine ingredients in a small glass jar. Apply liberally to muscles and joints as desired.

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Love top ten lists? Check out my 10 Ways to Use Cedarwood Essential Oil!

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